Why is my e-bike battery dying so fast? (Explained)

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Imagine that you charge your bike battery for 4 or 5 hours, you prepare everything you need to enjoy a wonderful sunny day, and after half an hour you notice that the battery is about to run out?!This situation is one of the most annoying situations for us as electric bike owners.

Therefore, in this post, I will explain to you why this problem may occur to you, and also what you can do to prevent it from happening.

Why is my e-bike battery dying so fast?

As a general rule, the reason why your electric bike battery dying fast is damage to a cell or group of cells inside the battery.

Because there is a basic rule by which the battery management system or BMS works, which is that it will give you performance according to the weakest cell in the battery. In other words, the battery management system monitors the voltage inside the battery cells. in the flute

Because this keeps the rest of the cells from damage or a fire.

How to test the Ebike Battery Cells?

In order to make sure that the reason for fast dying of the ebike battery is the presence of a damaged cell, you should test all the cells of the battery in order to identify the damaged cell and then change it.

Note: Next part is copied from post I wrote about testing BMS where we test all the ebike battery parts.

The original Post: How To Test & Reset battery BMS? (Explained with PICs)

Measuring battery cell separately

you will find a symbol with the letter B, which indicates the connection of the cells in the battery.

In order to measure the voltage of the cell, you will put the red probe on the B1, then the black probe on B2, it is supposed to give you a value between 3.7 volts or a little higher if the cell is fully charged.

In order to measure the next cell, place the red probe on B2, the black probe on B3, and so on
Repeat this process until you have measured all cells.

After you identify the damaged cell, you should change it, and if you prefer to seek the help of a specialist in this case, especially if he does not have the necessary tools or full know-how

What are the other factors that may cause ebike battery fast dying?

After we mentioned the main reason for the depletion of the battery charge in a quick way, in this part we will explain the rest of the factors that affect the depletion of the battery charge.

1- Battery Life Span.

It is known that the life span of the electric bike battery is from 3 to 5 years, which is equivalent to about 700 to 1000 charging cycles.

When the battery approaches the end of the number of charging cycles, or with the passage of a long time, the internal cells of the battery are affected, and the chemical processes take place slowly, which makes the quality of the charge and the level of voltage inside the battery decrease, and therefore you will notice that the battery is dying so fast.

2- Riding Style.

The style of your riding the electric bike also affects the consumption of the charge clearly. If you are a fan of adrenaline and ride the bike at high speeds all the time, you will most likely discharge the battery charge quickly compared to another rider who rides the bike at a moderate speed.

3-Tire pressure.

The air pressure in the tire can increase or decrease the range.

The higher the air pressure in the tire, the lower the friction with the ground, the lower the volts consumption, and the longer the range, and vice versa, the lower the air pressure inside the tire, the greater the area of friction with the ground, and thus the greater the volts consumption and the lower the range.

4-Environmental Factors.

High or very cold temperatures negatively affect the movement of ions inside the battery cells, which affects the voltage level and battery performance in general.
If you ride your electric bikes in very hot or cold weather, the battery will not work well, and you will notice that charging is carried out quickly.

5- Riding on steep hills.

One of the factors that strongly affects the speed of depletion of the battery charge is riding the electric bike on steep hills. The reason for this is that while going up the slopes, the bike needs strong torque from the motor, which leads to the motor consuming a high amount of volts from the battery, and therefore you will notice that the charge is running out so fast.

6-Heavy weight or toying a trailers.

Towing the trailer with the electric bike is One of the activities that lead to a high consumption of the battery charge this is because the ebike needs strong torque from the motor.

On the other hand, the greater the weight of the rider, the greater the need for more torque from the motor is necessary, and accordingly, the charge consumption will increase.

7-Low quality of the battery.

The internal components of the battery play a key role in obtaining high performance from the battery. The better the manufacturing materials of the battery, the lower the charge consumption and the longer the range.


The main reason that leads to the charging of the electric bike battery running out quickly is damage to a cell or group of cells inside the battery.

On the other hand, there are other reasons that lead to the rapid depletion of the charge, such as the riding style, the level of air pressure in the battery, the weight of the rider, and also the age of the battery, in addition to riding a bike on hills.

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