How do you clean electric skateboard bearings? (With PICs)

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How do you clean electric skateboard bearings?

Cleaning electric skateboard bearings is one of the things that is important for you as an electric scooter rider for many reasons, the first of which is that good bearings will give you better speed and performance.
The good thing is that cleaning it does not require much effort or many tools

Therefore, in this post, we will learn together about how to clean electric skateboard bearings, as well as quick and detailed methods for cleaning.

Is it worth cleaning electric skateboard bearings? (buy or Clean)

Given the fact that bearings cost no more than $20, you might be thinking why should I clean them when I can replace them so cheaply?

In fact, I disagree with this logic for two reasons, the first and most important of which is that we are human and tend to postpone things. When you notice that the bearings need cleaning and tell yourself that I will change them later, you will most likely postpone the purchase until another part in the electric skateboard is damaged!

The second reason is to save you the money you will spend on changing the bearings, which you can use for anything else.

To summarize this point, cleaning your electric skateboard bearings will save you money and protect you from damage to any other parts, in addition to the fun you will get from learning about the internal components of your electric skateboard.

When you should clean electric skateboard bearings?

Before we begin to answer the main question of this post about how to clean electric skateboard bearings, I think it makes sense to first know what are the signs or times when you should start cleaning your electric skateboard bearings.

In this part of the post, we will learn about 5 signs/times, if you find them, then you should clean your electric skateboard bearings.

1- Low performance

The first and most common sign is to notice that the performance of the electric skateboard has become less than usual
Mostly you will notice that the electric skateboard is not rolling as smoothly or as fast as it is used to

If you find this sign, you should check the bearings immediately

2-Hearing unusual noise.

    Although the electric skateboard is essentially an electrical device, it has a small mechanical part, and within this part are the bearings. As usual, mechanical parts make annoying noises if they are damaged (just like any mechanical malfunction that occurs in a car).

    So, If you start hearing grinding or squeaking sounds coming from your skateboard wheels, it’s a clear indication that your bearings need attention.

    3-Riding in wet or dirty condition.

    While you ride the electric skateboard in dirty or wet areas, this is likely to lead to debris and water to get into the bearings, leading to increased friction and reduced performance.

    Therefore, it is best to clean the bearings routinely after riding in wet or dirty areas

    4-During the regular maintenance.

    It is always preferable to make cleaning the bearings part of the regular maintenance of the electric skateboard, because in this way you will ensure continued high performance, and you will also be aware of the condition of the rest of the small mechanical parts present in the skateboard, because while you dismantle the bearings, you will check the rest of the mechanical parts.

    5-A quick look before riding.

    Before riding the electric skateboard, you can take a quick look at the wheels and the bottom of the skateboard. If you notice that they are dirty and there is mud or sand stuck on, it is best to check the condition of the bearings.

    How do you clean electric skateboard bearings?

    In this part, we will learn how to clean the bearings step by step with pictures.


    • 1-Skate tool.
    • 2-Paper towel.
    • 3-Aseton
    • 4-Bearing grease.
    • 5-Paint brush
    • 6-Small container.
    • 7- Thin blade

    Step1: Using skate tool Remove the wheels from the truck.

    Using skate tool Remove the wheels from the truck.

    Step2: take the bearing out of the skateboard wheel using the truck axels.

    take the bearing out of the skateboard wheel using the truck axels.

    Step 3: Using paper towel gently remove any visible dirt.

    Using paper towel gently remove any visible dirt.

    Step 4: Using the thin blade remove the shield bearing caps

    Using the thin blade remove the shield bearing caps

    Step 5: fill the small container with the Aseton ( enough amount to fully submerge the bearings ) then soak the bearing for about 15 to 20 MIN.

    fill the small container with the Aseton ( enough amount to fully submerge the bearings ) then soak the bearing for about 15 to 20 MIN.

    Step 6: if the bearing are too dirty use your hand to gently remove the dirt while its in the container.

    Step 7: take the bearing out and let them dry on a paper towel for another 15 min or complete dry

    take the bearing out and let them dry on a paper towel for another 15 min or complete dry

    Step 8: After fully dry use the paint brush & bearing grease to grease the bearing then spin the bearing to make sure that the grease reach all the hidden areas.

    After fully dry use the paint brush & bearing grease to grease the bearing then spin the bearing to make sure that the grease reach all the hidden areas.

    Step 9: Using acetone & paper towel clean the shield bearing caps

    Using acetone & paper towel clean the shield bearing caps

    Step 10: Reattach the shield bearing caps

    reattach the shield bearing caps.jpg

    Step 11: reinstall the bearings into your wheel.

    reinstall the bearings into your wheel

    How to clean skateboard bearings without removing them?

    What we mentioned in the previous steps is the deep cleaning method, but in this part I will explain to you the secret cleaning method that does not require any time or effort.

    Step 1: Remove the nuts & washer of the skateboard wheel using skate tool.

    Remove the nuts & washer of the skateboard wheel using skate tool.

    Step 2: Using the thin blade remove the shield bearing caps

    Step 3: Add some lube into the bearing then spin the wheel.

    add some lube into the bearing then spin the wheel.

    step 4: Put the shield bearing caps back.


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