How do I Turn off PAS on my ebike? (3 Ways)

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In my personal opinion, the PAS is the dividing point between the fact that an electric bike is not a regular bike, and it is not a motorcycle either
The idea of ​​the PAS work is based on obtaining additional power from the motor by sensing the power of pedaling or the speed of pedaling , depending on the type of electric bike.

However, there are times when you will need to rely solely on throttle or even pedal without the help of the PAS

That is why, in this post, I will explain to you three easy ways that you can use to cancel the PAS from your electric bike.

Why PAS is important on Ebikes?

Before I explain the ways to Turn off the PAS, I think it is necessary to explain what is the importance of having PAS on your the electric bike, because some people may want to Turn off the PAS without a real need. which is not a good idea.

In fact, the matter here may not be related to personal desire, but it’s also has a legal aspect.

1-It mandatory to have PAS on your ebike in Europe.

The first reason that may increase the importance of the presence of the PAS in your electric bike is that most of the laws regulating electric bikes in Europe require the presence of a PAS in the electric bike.

Accordingly, disabling the PAS on your electric bike may be illegal, so you should be careful when choosing how you will Turn off the PAS.

2-More battery Range

When you use the PAS, you make some effort, and this reduces to some extent the power coming out of the motor, especially if you are riding on hilly roads.
This of course will reduce battery consumption and increase battery range.

3- More exercise.

Your use of PAS at level 1 or 2 will increase the effort exerted while riding the bike, which will make you get an acceptable level of calorie burning

I will suffice with these three points in this part, as the aim of this post is to explain how to Turn off the PAS and not to explain the advantage of the PAS 🙂

How do I Turn off PAS on my ebike?

As a general rule you can turn off the PAS on your electric bike by adjusting the P10 setting to “1” or moving the PAS magnet to the front wheel and finally disconnecting the PAS cable from the controller.

Now let’s start by explaining the steps of each method..

Adjusting P10 setting to turn off PAS on your ebike

Step 1: Power on your ebike then ,press & hold (+) & (-) buttons for three sec.

press & hold (+) & (-) buttons for three sec.

Step 2: Using power button navigate to P10 setting.

Step 3: Set the P10 value = (1)

The P10 settings consist of three values:

0: It means that the bike will depend on the PAS and turnoff the throttle

1: It means that the bike will depend on throttle and turnoff

2: means that the bike will use both PAS and throttle.

2-Moving PAS magnet to Front wheel.

Moving PAS magnet to Front wheel

If you live in a country where you are legally required to ride an e-bike with a PAS, then this solution will be a good solution for you Because the idea behind this method is keeping PAS working, but without any effort from you.

This will be achieved by moving the PAS magnet to the front wheel, and based on the new location of the magnet, whenever the front wheel moves, the PAS will operate without the need to use the pedal.

In order to do , all you have to do is to transfer the magnet to the rear wheel, but you will face one problem, which is the short length of the PAS wire, and you can overcome this problem by connecting an additional wire,

however, you should lengthen the wire from the middle so that the magnet remains connected to the original wire Also, the plug is connected to the original wire.

lengthen the wire from the middle

3-Disconnect PAS Caple.

The easiest way among the three methods is to disconnect the PAS cable, but I personally do not prefer it because it will give you a permanent error message on the electric bike screen, which is very annoying

You can use this method if you are in a hurry or if you are solving another bike problem and want to remove the PAS

On the other hand, if you decide to use this method permanently, it is preferable to disconnect the PAS cable from the controller side, because this area is more isolated in electric bikes.


We can summarize what came in this post in the following points:

  • Before you use any method of closing the PAS, you should know the legality of this act and whether you really need it or not.
  • If you want an easy way without error messages on the screen, you can use the P setting to turn off the PAS
  • If your bike does not support the previous settings, you can move the magnet to the front wheel
  • If you want a quick way to turn off the PAS, you can unplug the cable
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